About us
The Brand

Nimboo is a philosophy of life where nature takes back its rights. A blend of French aesthetics and Indian craftsmanship, we transform what has been discarded by giving it back its value and beauty. Nimboo adds a touch of chic and ethics to your interiors with creations designed by artisans who use only organic raw materials. Nimboo is a link between design and passion, craftsmanship and waste, local know-how and exchange. A zest of sweet and sour in your daily life.

Nimboo ("lemon" in Hindi) is a variety of lemon from northeast India. Known today in other parts of the subcontinent and beyond, this citrus fruit is prized for its distinctive flavor, used in various culinary preparations. The famous "nimboo pani", a lemon water, is a very popular refreshing drink during Indian summers and has many benefits. Deeply linked to the daily life of Indians, the nimboo is indeed considered a sacred fruit, capable of healing and protecting from evil.
It is in reference to this fruit with a thousand virtues that Nimboo owes its name. A brand whose sustainable and responsible manufacturing circuit is entirely focused on the circular economy. Nimboo extracts the best from nature by including man and his ecosystem in a holistic approach. A fresh wind on the planet.
I recycle and I'm proud of it
In India, we are as dismayed as you are by the amount of man-made waste that often ends up, here as elsewhere, in rivers or open dumps. The World Bank predicts a 70% increase in waste in the world by 2050. In 30 years, our garbage will also release twice as much greenhouse gas. Instead of being abandoned in nature or burned, however, a third of our garbage could be recycled and given a second life.

At Nimboo, we looked for alternative solutions in order not to take part in this ecological disaster. Thus, we applied the ancestral art of floral dyeing, mastered for generations by the Indian women of our rural communities, to our textiles. In its creations, Nimboo also reuses the fabric used to make the beautiful saris, the organic Khadi. Spun and woven by hand, Khadi is a natural textile whose production, encouraged by Gandhi, became a symbol of autonomy and self-sufficiency for the Indian people.
.Designed for modern living, yet infinitely silky, our pieces are made from organic raw materials, or recycled fabrics and processed by our local partners to make them more sustainable. Our manufacturing cycle maintains a minimal carbon footprint while ensuring a positive social impact.
So, if one of our Nimboo products appealed to you, give it to a friend who will give it a new life, you will be all the more satisfied.
The anatomy of Nimboo

Sanskrit: nimboo /nimbū/
Anglais: lemon /ˈlemən/
Français: citron /si.tʁɔ̃/
Was it a sudden revelation or the unconscious effect of going back to the roots? Whatever it was, the word Nimboo magically came to our creator (more on that later in our story).
Instinctively, our spirit drives us to love nature, to want a better world made of humanity and tradition. Our strength and our designs embody this.
Nothing inspires us more than art. From the spring buds to the shimmering colors of the early morning, from the geometry of the threads to the delicacy of the fabrics, everything is art in our eyes.
India inspires us, France shelters us. The in-between is made of cultures, sometimes misunderstood, perhaps unexplored, but which enrich our aestheticism and our language. By marrying this multiple heritage from Europe and Asia, our team wishes to share its unique view of the world.
In all honesty: we love our table. We love sampling tasty food from the best restaurants as well as small neighborhood snacks. Consuming fresh, local produce and expanding our culinary palette is a passion we constantly share in our stories.

Original to Sanskrit, nimboo finds its essence in the pure, fresh energy that Hindu tradition says protects against evil. A hot cup of tea with its lemon peel, a slice in your Gin-Tonic, a summer vacation in the country sipping lemonade, a lemon pie by the pool, the lemon in a shot of tequila... Every culture in the world has its "Nimboo", a blend of emotions and culinary tradition.
Created for a specific use, but transformable according to individual tastes, your Nimboo product will find its place in a traditional or singular table decoration. You can place your tablecloths or napkins like works of art or make a statement by combining mismatched pieces. Nimboo, you will see, will sharpen your creativity.
.MEET OUR Founder

There is no magic potion without a slightly crazy creator
Nimboo was created in 2018 by Saurabh Mahajan, a determined and non-conformist entrepreneur who is committed to setting up this groundbreaking project. A way for him to defend local crafts and claim new fashion trends. Nimboo is the creative expression of his years spent studying nature, home and tableware. Originally from India, Saurabh is now based in Paris where he applies his skills in designing and developing sustainable products.
When Saurabh moved to Paris, he was inspired by the European sweet life, the exaltation for art, architecture, food and wine. But what inspires him most is the memory, as a child, of his years spent in India with his grandparents. They had fled the north of the Punjab (now Pakistan) during the partition of India in 1947. Her grandparents who knew how to rebuild themselves elsewhere, with the humility of those who left everything behind and the responsibility of feeding a family with the work of the land. Life for Indian farmers has deteriorated considerably over the years, and once happy villages are now depopulated, but there is no shortage of anecdotes about life on the farm. These memories and her grandparents' connection to nature continue to form the basis of Saurabh's value system.
With Nimboo, Saurabh wants to pay homage to the lives of these villagers who live off of what nature gives them, avoiding waste and reusing everything possible. All this, thanks to their most precious resource: their culture. By working with cooperatives that directly benefit farmers, weavers and artisans, many of whom are women, Nimboo stays true to Saurabh's vision.

It is her love for contemporary art that has infused Nimboo's language, a language that reflects the movement of nature. A Parisian apartment setting, culinary expeditions, world travels and exchanges with artisans in the remotest places in India and beyond, a passion for the aesthetics of European countries, the richness of India... Nimboo is all of these.
You will soon discover that Saurabh's multicultural footprint subtly influences everything we do at Nimboo.
The Vision of NIMBOO

It's almost a given to point out that Nimboo was created with the goal of consuming less. In fact, our brand was even born out of our rejection of overconsumption, a deep desire to create better products in better ways. We believe that the environment, culture and relationships with our communities are as important as business. Nimboo was conceived with the desire to create a conscious and inclusive way of consuming through products that are recycled, last longer, and meet many needs. Each of our products can be paired with another, from another collection or even another brand, without altering its aesthetic.
Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we are driven by our passion.
These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are at the heart of strategies to improve health, education, inequality, promote economic growth, while combating climate change and preserving our environment, are the framework for our mission at Nimboo. We are committed to providing better wages and dignified living conditions for our employees, and we use raw materials that are primarily recycled. We want to create a circular supply chain and engage in a dialogue about a better future. All this, through unique art-inspired designs for you and your home.