COACHING & YOGA WITH @MademoisellePierre

Mademoiselle Pierre assise sur un lit et portant un kimono en soie Nimboo

@MademoisellePierre is above all a great meeting. A meeting of common values. A dialogue on our place in the world, our relationship with the planet, our role, our responsibilities.

Silk pillowcase and silk sleeping mask
Clothes rack with three silk kimonos

@MademoisellePierre knew how to assume her choices, a 180 degree turn, a return to her roots. Through her experience, she brings us a questioning of our lifestyles, on the speed and vanity of a crazy and consumerist urban life, where we get our priorities wrong. And she made up for it well with @Arlesdevivre!

Mademoiselle Pierre aligning silk and cotton pillows on a bed
Mademoiselle Pierre behind a silk night mask

What a joy to see her, bright and radiant in the southern sun, which suits her so well. What a pleasure to see her share her experience and her energy in her yoga con coaching classes or her retreats with @paradisdoux_holistic_ho

Nap with a silk sleeping mask
Woman wearing a silk kimono, sitting on a bed

What we like in particular about her is that she is whole and faithful to her convictions, to her rediscovered nature, she has a holistic approach (like us at Nimboo, at least we try!) We also have a little weak for her feminist coaching, so that all women find the confidence that makes them beautiful!

Woman in swimsuit and silk kimono
Morning terrace and long silk kimono

And then what pride to see her wearing Nimboo. Our kimono slips on her skin, and then it twirls, they flutter, it twirls with her in the yard before landing delicately on a yoga mat for a meditation or to accompany a cocoa ceremony!

She smiles, it's her nature!!

Photo credit @MademoisellePierre & @marta.puglia. THANKS !

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